Top 5 Money Making Indian Android Games / Apps


We Indians love to play online games. and now if I tell you that you can make money by playing  online games ! Yes, weather you are a student or a professional you can make money by playing online games.

In recent years, the excessive amount of smartphones and widespread internet access has given the way for innovative money-making games and apps in India. These platforms offer users unique opportunities to earn money, rewards, and even transform their free time into productive income-generating activities. Today in this article we will discuss about the money making Indian games and apps.  

If you are good at playing a certain game and fulfil the app criteria, you have an excellent chance to make handsome money.

Here are the list of some free money making Indian android games and apps 

1. RummyCircle  

Rummy Circle is a leading online gaming platform in India that specializes in the classic card game of rummy. With a massive user base and a reputation for providing an engaging and secure gaming experience, Rummy Circle has emerged as a prominent player in the online gaming industry in the country.

2. Junglee Rummy 

Junglee Rummy stands out as a prominent online gaming platform in India, offering players a vibrant and interactive environment to indulge in the timeless card game of rummy. With a focus on providing an engaging and secure experience, Junglee Rummy has emerged as a popular destination for both casual and competitive players.

3. MPL

Mobile Premier League (MPL) has rapidly emerged as a pioneering force in the Indian mobile gaming industry, providing users with a wide array of skill-based games, tournaments, and entertainment options. With a focus on combining gaming, competition, and earning opportunities, MPL has captured the attention of millions of users across the country.

4. ADDA 52

Adda52 stands as a prominent and respected online poker platform in India, offering enthusiasts an immersive and thrilling gaming experience. Renowned for its diverse poker variants, tournaments, and secure gameplay, Adda52 has solidified its position as a go-to destination for poker enthusiasts in the country.

5. Dream 11

Dream11 has revolutionized the way Indians engage with sports by introducing fantasy sports as a popular form of entertainment and skill-based competition. As the leading fantasy sports platform in India, Dream11 has garnered massive popularity, offering users a unique and engaging way to participate in their favourite sports and win real rewards.

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